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Great things are done by a series of small things brought together

This is one of the best statements by Vincent Van Gogh ! Echoing his words, our main focus will be on bits(small great things) that the Kotlin language does


These bits are not structured, so you can jump to any bit and start learning

Let's start with a simple example


What do use to print to the standard output in Kotlin 🤔 ?

We have two functions to do this

  • print which prints the arguments passed to the function
  • println which does the same thing as print but adds a line break at the end


Oh okay, so how do I use print 🤔 ?

> "Jambo"

New Line

Hmmm, is using println the same 🙈 ?

print("Welcome to KotlinBits")

> "Hello"
> "Welcome to KoltinBits"

Remember with println it adds a new line at the end so the next printed statement will go on the next line

String Template

Looks simple enough, what if I have a variable and want to print it 🤷 ?

  val name = "Jambo"
print("Hi $name")

> "Hello Jambo"

You can use the dollar sign before your variable name


That is an example of a template expression, evaluated expressions added to a string

Oh wow, wait! Can this work for any expression 🥺 ?

It depends, but it pretty much works most for expressions

  data class Library(
val name : String = "Sokrates",
val books: Int = 300

val library = Library()

println("Library : $library")
> "Library : Library(name=Sokrates, books=300)"

println("NAME : ${}") // notice the curly braces
> "NAME : Sokrates"

println("BOOKS : ${library.books * 12}")
> "BOOKS : 3600"

Wow 😲, that was insightful! But I have lots of questions...

Hold your horses 🤣 😂 that's it, you've learned your first Kotlin bit. Browse for more...